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National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Bulgaria (NCSA-BG)
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., 25A, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Sofia, PO: 1113 (Bulgaria)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2008
Scientific Description
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA-BG) has been committing all its available knowledge, experience and resources for strengthening the national High Performance Computing (HPC) capacity and capability and the integration of Bulgaria in the European HPC ecosystem. These include research and scientific activities on new supercomputer systems and parallel architectures as well as algorithms and software enabling in different scientific domains. A key pillar in the NCSA-BG portfolio of activities is the organisation of a range of HPC training courses for a variety of graduates, doctoral students and research teams. The NCSA, in partnerships with the Sofia University (SU), Institute “Information and Communication Technology” Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IICT-BAS), Technical University – Sofia (TU), Medical University – Sofia (MU) and Rila Solutions, has been working to meet the increased expectations and needs of the national users for computational capacity and application enabling. Some substantial efforts are dedicated to bridge the scientific and industrial perspectives by providing a forum for exchange of different views and opinions and an attempt to answers questions, such as why HPC needs to be invested in and how HPC can bring visible and tangible influence to peoples’ lives and competitiveness to industrial companies.

RI Keywords
NCSA-BG, HPC, Training
RI Category
Centralised Computing Facilities
Scientific Domain
Information Science and Technology
Social Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Training courses

the organisation of a range of HPC training courses for a variety of graduates, doctoral students and research teams.

Software enabling

Algorithms and software enabling in different scientific domains. These can include the development and testing of scalable algorithms and methods for problems arising in the following scientific domains: life and material sciences, environment and engineering.

Dessimination and Outreach

to initiate and support the cooperation and partnership between Bulgarian and international scientific and research teams.

Access to the biggest supercomputer system – IBM Blue Gene/P in Bulgaria

The NSCA-BG has been recognised for the purposes of scientific and technical coordination of the Bulgarian participation in PRACE and further development of HPC in Bulgaria. In compliance with its responsibilities and obligations, NCSA-BG has a proper level of access to the biggest national supercomputer system – IBM Blue Gene/P in order to manage and coordinate its main goals and activities.

Date of last update: 23/03/2018
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