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International Research Institute for Simulation, Motion and Navigation (SIMONA)
Hosting Legal Entity
Delft University of Technology
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
Operational since 2002
Scientific Description
The institute operates the SIMONA Research Simulator, a moving-base flight simulator for both fixed-wing and rotorcraft. The simulator is used for research into flight simulation technology such as motion cueing and control, real-time software engineering, and visual display technology. A second research field is human-machine interaction in aerospace and automotive. Topics include human perception and control behavior, fly-by-wire systems and handling qualities, automation design and display formats, evaluation of new aerospace vehicles and air traffic management.The SIMONA staff, in cooperation with the Control and Simulation group at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering (Delft University of Technology, TU Delft) and TU Delft students, is involved in several research projects on these topics. These include one-on-one research and development projects with the aerospace and automotive industry, EU Framework and Horizon 2020 projects together with academia and industry, and other cooperations (e.g. GARTEUR). The simulator is used for many of these projects to gather initial research data, test intermediate designs or validate concepts in a realistic simulator environment.The simulator has close ties with lower fidelity simulation facilities within TU Delft and a fly-by-wire research jet (PH-LAB, a Cessna Citation II).

RI Keywords
Automation design, Flight simulator, Human control, Handling qualities, Shared control, Vehicle modelling, Helicopter, Visual display system, Air traffic control, Human perception, Fault-tolerant control, Air traffic management, Flight deck, Human-machine interaction, Cockpit, Aircraft, Real-time software engineering, Motion cueing, Motion control, Simulation, Fly-by-wire, Displays, Control loading, Pilot
RI Category
Aerospace and aerodynamics research facilities
Scientific Domain
Engineering and Energy
Flight simulation technology research

Research on enabling technologies for flight simulation.

Human-machine interaction research

Research on human-machine interaction in aerospace, using state-of-the-art flight simulator.

Flight deck technology evaluation

Providing generic moving-base flight simulator to evaluate flight deck concepts in a realistic environment.

Flight simulator

SIMONA Research Simulator, a moving-base generic flight simulator for both fixed-wing aircraft and rotorcraft.

Date of last update: 01/10/2014
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