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Laboratory Léon Brillouin-Orphée (LLB-ORPHEE)
Hosting Legal Entity
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission
Gif-sur-yvette cedex, PO: 91191 (Undefined)
CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, PO: F-91191, Ile de France (France)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Current Status:
since 1980
Scientific Description
The Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB)-Orphée reactor is the French neutron scattering facility supported by the CEA and the CNRS. The objectives are to perform research on its own scientific programs, to promote the use of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy, to welcome and assist experimentalists. The research activities are organized in three different areas covering a broad scope of science addressed by neutron scattering: magnetism and superconductivity; materials and nanosciences (fundamental studies and Applications); soft complex matter. The LLB constructs and operates about 20 spectrometers that exploit the neutron beams delivered by the 14MW research reactor Orphée. An ambitious upgrade program until 2017 concerns more than half of the instruments, and will ensure an average gain in flux of more than one order of magnitude. Every year, about 400-600 researchers perform experiments on LLB spectrometers. There are two calls for experiment every year reviewed by committees of international experts.The LLB benefits from the exceptional scientific environment provided by the 'Plateau of Saclay'. It is one of the leading hubs for neutron scattering at the international level and a part of the NMI3 European network of national facilities, in the FP7 EC Program.
RI Keywords
Spectroscopy, Diffraction, Neutrons, Imaging, Scattering
RI Category
Intense Neutron Sources
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Biological and Medical Sciences
Information Science and Technology
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Biological and Medical Sciences
Information Science and Technology
Chemistry and Material Sciences
Engineering and Energy
Access to 20 neutrons spectrometers
about 180 beam days per year.
20 neutron scientific intruments
Almost all neutron scattering methods are represented: Spectroscopy (Triple-Axis, Time-of-Flight, Spin Echo)Diffraction (Powder and Liquid, Single Crystal)Large Scale Structures (SANS and VSANS, Reflectivity, Stress and Strain, neutron Imaging).
Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe
NMI3 - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy
Date of last update: 21/04/2017