French National Center for Scientific Research / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
3 Michel-Ange street, CNRS, Paris, PO: 75794, Ile-de-France (France)
Distributed Computing Facilities
Humanities and Arts
Biological and Medical Sciences
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
Operates the largest site of the French National Grid Initiative (NGI) as part of the European Grid Infrastructure. Hosts the technical direction, training and support of the NGI.
Small)scale Openstack IaaS Cloud. Participates in European efforts incloud federation.
Shared by experiments after yearly mediation. Accessed through various software stacks (DCache, XRootD, IRods, HPSS).
Shared by scientific experiments after yearly mediation.
More than 30,000 virtual computing cores hosted by more than 2000 compute and stoage nodes. These machines run a Scientific Linux Operating System and are accessed through the Univa Grid Engine batch system. They develop a total of 312 000 HEP-SPEC 2006.
SAN and NAS storage offering a total capacity of 20PB.
4 tape libraries of 10,000 slots each. The current storage capacity is of 30PB while the theoretical maximal capacity is of 340 PB. The libraries are managed by the HPSS system.
Dedicated 10Gb/s connection with CERN (tested at 100Gb/s) plus 10Gb/s (through Germany) and 2x10Gb/s (through Paris). Point-of-Presence for local, regional and national networks.