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Center of Micronanotechnology (CMI)
Hosting Legal Entity
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Station 17, EPFL-CMi / BM Building, Lausanne, PO: 1015 (Switzerland)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
Scientific Description
The operation of CMi is the responsibility of the staff. The staff is a team of engineers and technicians, specialists in microtechnologies who guarantee the availability of processing equipment, evaluate, install and operate processing equipment, train the users, develop new processing steps and improve the existing ones, and assist researchers with technical advice. The users of CMi are undergraduate students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers. The core activities of CMi are laboratory experimentation and development of processes and techniques of interest to EPFL and to its partners.

RI Keywords
Microtechnology, Manufacturing processes, Ebeam lithography, photolithography, Etching, Clean-room
RI Category
Materials Synthesis or Testing Facilities
Micro- and Nanotechnology facilities
Safety Handling facilities
Scientific Domain
Chemistry and Material Sciences
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Access to Clean Rooms and Related Tools

Fees invoiced by CMi are the direct costs linked to the processing projects. They may include the costs of consumables as well as equipment usage: Consumables e.g. wafers, masks, precious metals and chemicals supply, tweezers, notebooks, etc. Equipment usage may include booking fees (if any) and hourly rates, that both are a shared contribution to the consumables necessary for equipment up-time. The balance between the booking fees and the hourly rates is adjusted for each processing tool in order to optimize and smooth CMi equipment usage. CMi is primarily a user lab but the CMi staff may carry out manufacturing processes according to the availability of the staff and the equipment. Jobs performed by the staff are invoiced based on real consumption and include consumables, equipment usage and staff hourly rate. Handling, packaging, freight costs are charged for each service.

Clean Room and Processing Machines

State-of-the-art processing machines, clean room, other lab equipment.

Access Type
Physical, Mail-in
Access Mode
Market Driven
Date of last update: 17/10/2018
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