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Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (JRC-PAMEC)
Hosting Legal Entity
Joint Research Centre
CDMA, Brussels, PO: 1049 (Belgium)
Legal Status
International or intergovernmental organisation or framework
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, Joint Research Centre - European Comission, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, PO: 76344 (Germany)
Type Of RI
Coordinating Country
European Union
Participating Countries
Current Status:
Scientific Description
The Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (PAMEC) facility consists of an ensemble of state-of-the-art installations designed for basic research on behaviour and properties of actinide materials under extreme conditions of temperature, pressure, external magnetic field and chemical environment. The facility includes devices for measurements of crystallographic, magnetic, electrical transport, and thermodynamical properties as well as facilities for Np-237 Mössbauer spectroscopy, and a modular surface science spectroscopy station allowing photoemission, atomic force microscopy, and electron scattering measurements. PAMEC is hosted and operated by the European Commission, JRC, Unit G.I.5 and is part of the Actinide User Laboratory (ActUsLab), a pioneer User Access programme initiated by JRC-Karlsruhe in 2002, contributing now to the JRC Open Access programme. Eligible Users (Affiliated in University, research public institution or small-medium enterprise from EU Member States, candidate countries of associated countries) submit proposals that are assessed by a Panel of Experts and selected on the basis of scientific merit and other criteria (see calls for proposals). Access to the research infrastructure is granted on the basis of 'Measurement days'. Approval of access is subject to the rules of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre and the German authorities.
RI Keywords
Nuclear & radiological sciences, Nuclear & particle physics
RI Category
Nuclear Research Facilities
Scientific Domain
Physics, Astronomy, Astrophysics and Mathematics
ESFRI Domain
Physical Sciences and Engineering
JRC-PAMEC Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions
Sample Preparation Sample Characterization Surface Science techniques Sample Encapsulation Physical Properties Measurements
Date of last update: 29/05/2019